Brookfield School’s Mission

We are a positive learning community, encouraging and guiding students to pursue and develop to their fullest potential.

 Brookfield School’s Vision

Be respectful

Be responsible

Be ready

Brookfield School’s Philosophy

Brookfield School provides a setting where young people prosper in thought and imagination, in competence and character, as individuals, and as members of a school community. Brookfield School is committed to the overall success of each child.

To this end, Brookfield provides strong academic instruction in core skills and a wide variety of cultural and aesthetic experiences within a success-oriented program.

Brookfield School’s administration, teachers, and parents have a shared vision of an academically rich and rigorous, non-denominational educational program. This philosophy is built on the idea that to educate is to do more than teach. Brookfield School's flexible curriculum allows the modification of a student's education to specific studies in response to individual student learning styles.


Brookfield School is licensed by the Nevada Department of Education and Nationally Accredited with NIPSA (National Independent Private School Association) and AdvancEd (NWAC, North West Accreditation).